Intermediate  Level:

Business Startup

Course Title: Intermediate Level: Introduction to Business Startups


Who is this course for?

The Introduction to Business Startups Intermediate level course is designed for individuals who have some prior knowledge or experience in the field of business and entrepreneurship. It is meant to provide a deeper understanding of the concepts and strategies involved in starting and managing a successful business, and are ideal for those who have already completed a beginner-level course in business startups or have some real-life experience in the field.


Introduction to Business Startups


This comprehensive course covers a wide range of important subjects and is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply them in various scenarios. By studying diligently, students will be able to articulate the importance of proficient selling in business, elucidate key sales techniques, and recognize the significance of product knowledge and presentation.


In addition to sales, the course also covers advertising, sales promotion, and public relations as indispensable factors contributing to business success. Students will learn about the expansion and growth of businesses, the features of organizational business structures, and the essential role of human resources in an enterprise. They will also gain an understanding of financial control, accurate financial accounting, and financial statements, including trading accounts, profit & loss accounts, and balance sheets.


The course covers the importance of effective communication through various forms and documents used in business, principles of design, and banking procedures. Students will learn about maintaining complete and up-to-date records of transactions, both manually and by computer, as well as interpreting annual profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.


Finally, the course covers demand and supply theory, including what demand and supply curves show, how costs and prices affect supply and demand, and major reasons for and matters to be considered in exporting and importing business. It also explains the reasons for and effects of government actions to curb imports.


This lecture encompasses a comprehensive range of significant subjects, which are succinctly summarized for your convenience. By diligently participating in this lecture according to the prescribed learning guidelines, it is anticipated that you will acquire the proficiency to apply the knowledge acquired in various scenarios. Additionally, you should possess the ability to:


  • Articulate the significance of proficient selling in business endeavors.


  • Elucidate key techniques and approaches used in sales, while recognizing the importance of product knowledge and presentation.


Introduction: Principles of Selling


Sales play a critical role in the success of any business, regardless of whether it involves physical products, services, or ideas. Take, for example, an advertising agency that must persuade its clients to invest in various advertising campaigns and the development of innovative advertisements. Similarly, a travel agency needs to convince customers to choose their vacation packages and transportation options. Even a painting and decorating company must effectively market its services to attract clients.


Introduction: The Human Resource Management


A resource is something that helps or aids a business to achieve its objectives or goals: to be profitable and to prosper. For a business to be profitable, its owners or managers need to successfully manage the different resources that are available to it.


  • You must have heard of the financial resources of a business. They comprise money invested in it and/or loaned to it, and often earned by it from its activities.


  • It is anticipated that you will acquire the proficiency to apply the knowledge acquired in this lecture, and possess the ability to:


  • Explain about the expansion and growth of businesses, the features of organizational business structures, and the essential role of human resource in an enterprise, the stages in recruitment, selection, induction, training and development of personnel, and methods of employment.


Introduction: Financial Matters


The lecture covers the importance of complete and up to date records of transactions, and methods of maintaining those records manually and by computer. Students will also learn about methods of ensuring the accuracy of annual profit and loss accounts and balance sheets produced, and interpreting the information they contain.


Most business people devote a great of their time and effort to running and developing their businesses, and seeking profits. That is as it should be, of course! But too often, in the pursuit of profits, they neglect to pay attention to financial matters that affect their businesses and, indeed, the profits they make or unfortunately do not make, in some cases.


Unless care is taken, money can easily be lost or wasted unnecessarily. For example, too much might be paid for raw materials, goods, or services; advantage might not be taken of discounts or credit terms available.


On the other hand, customers who have been permitted to buy products on credit might fail to pay what they owe. Raw materials or goods might be lost through pilfering theft or spoilage. Money could be lost through dishonesty on the part of employees or other people in positions of trust. There are many other such ways in which profits which should have been made by a business might be reduced, or even eliminated.


Introduction - Business Documents


Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of every business transaction is a critical aspect of business management. In this lecture, we will examine the various source documents from which the required information can be obtained to compile those records.


In transactions, some appropriate documents are issued by a business, while in some cases; completed documents are received from other organizations.


This lecture offers a comprehensive range of significant subjects, which, when studied diligently according to the prescribed learning guidelines, is expected to equip learners with the proficiency to apply the acquired knowledge in various scenarios. The lecture content addresses the purposes of different forms and documents used in business to communicate information, principles of design, reasons for opening bank accounts, types of bank accounts, and making payments.


Recording Transactions


This section of the lecture is a rich and comprehensive resource that covers a wide range of essential topics. The information is presented in a concise and summarized format to enable easy comprehension and assimilation. To be proficient in utilizing the knowledge gained, it is essential to study this section thoroughly by the study guidelines.


In this lecture, you will learn about the importance of maintaining complete and up-to-date records of transactions and the various methods of achieving this goal, whether manually or by computer. The knowledge gained from this lecture will be invaluable in maintaining accurate records that are essential for business and financial decision-making.


Furthermore, this section will provide you with insights into the techniques used to ensure the accuracy of annual profit and loss accounts and balance sheets. You will learn how to interpret the information contained in these financial statements to make informed decisions that can positively impact your business or academic setting.


Overall, this section of the lecture is a valuable resource that will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain accurate financial records and make informed decisions based on the information contained in financial statements.


Principles of Economics, Demand, Supply and Prices


This lecture encompasses a diverse range of essential topics that are crucial to understanding the fundamentals of economics. By thoroughly studying this course by our study guidelines, you will be able to apply the knowledge you have gained in a wide variety of situations and demonstrate a sound understanding of demand and supply theory. You will gain insights into what demand and supply curves represent and how prices and costs impact the supply and demand of goods and services.


Moreover, this lecture delves into the major reasons for exporting and importing and provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors that need to be taken into account when engaging in these activities.


You will also gain an understanding of why governments take actions to curb imports and the effects of such actions, providing you with a deeper insight into the economics of international trade. Overall, this lecture is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of economics.


Learning Platform


This course is taught on UDEMY PLATFORM. You will have to sign up and register for the course on UDEMY E-LEARNING PLATFORM.