Arts and Humanisties

Arts and Humanities 

Arts and humanities studies encompass a wide range of disciplines that explore the human experience through creative expression, cultural analysis, and critical thinking. This includes fields such as literature, history, philosophy, psychology, music, art, theater, and languages. The arts and humanities are essential to understanding and interpreting the world we live in, and they provide insight into different societies, cultures, and historical periods. By studying the arts and humanities, you can develop a deeper appreciation for human creativity, expression, and communication, and gain a greater understanding of our place in the world.


Learning Outcomes


Studying arts and humanities can lead to a variety of learning outcomes. Some of the key skills that students may develop include critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, creativity, and cultural awareness. Arts and humanities students often learn to analyze complex ideas, evaluate different perspectives, and express themselves effectively through various mediums such as writing, art, music, and drama. Additionally, they may gain a deeper understanding of cultural and historical contexts, which can help them appreciate diversity and navigate global issues. Overall, arts and humanities studies can help students develop a broad range of skills that are valuable in many different fields and can prepare them for lifelong learning and personal growth.

English Language for Specific Academic Purposes

English Language for Specific Academic Purposes (ESP) is a course designed to help students develop their English language skills in a specific academic discipline. The course is usually offered to students who have already reached an intermediate or advanced level of 

English proficiency, 

Beginner Level:  Introduction to Philosophy

An introduction to philosophy course is typically designed to provide students with a broad overview of the field of philosophy. The course may cover topics such as the nature of reality, the existence of God, the nature of knowledge and truth, the relationship between mind and body, and the nature of morality.



Beginner Level: Introduction to Psychology

An Introduction to Psychology is a course that provides an overview of the fundamental principles and theories of psychology. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the history of psychology, research methods, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning and